12/9/2021/2021 Dear Maristhill Residents and Families, We would like to update you on the status of Covid-19 in Massachusetts and at Maristhill. The rise of the Covid-19 variant in Massachusetts has resulted in a 5% positivity rate in the state. This is a...
Letter to the Families October 14th
10/13/2021 Dear Maristhill Residents and Families, I wish to inform you that we will be having a Booster Shot Clinic on October 18th for our residents, volunteers and staff. The DPH Rapid Response Team will be supporting the Maristhill staff in providing the...
Letter to the Families September 10th
9/10/2021 Dear Maristhill Residents and Families, I wish to inform you that we had healthcare provider test positive for Covid-19. This healthcare provider was in our facility prior to their knowledge that they tested positive for Covid-19. The healthcare provider...
Phone System Outage 9/13/2021
Attention families and friends, At this time all our phones are down. We are currently working to get them fixed as soon as possible. If you have any concerns please send us an email and we will direct it to the correct party. We apologize for the inconvenience....
Letter to the Families September 1st
8/26/2021 Dear Maristhill Residents and Families, I am pleased to inform you that we had negative test results from our Covid-19 surveillance testing for all staff the past two weeks. We have tested our vaccinated staff, unvaccinated staff and quarantined...
advisory regarding face coverings and cloth masks Updated July30, 2021 This Advisory has been updated as of July 30, 2021. On July 27, 2021, the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued updated guidance regarding the use of face...
Letter to the Families- August 5th
8/4/2021 Dear Maristhill Residents and Families, I am pleased to inform you that we had negative test results from our Covid-19 surveillance testing for the past ten weeks for our unvaccinated staff and quarantined residents. I would like to thank everyone’s...
Letter to the Families- June 30
6/30/2021 Dear Maristhill Residents and Families, I am pleased to inform you that we had negative test results from our Covid-19 surveillance testing for the past six weeks for our unvaccinated staff and quarantined residents. I would like to thank everyone’s...
Maristhill Marketplace Sale Donations
Maristhill Nursing and Rehabilitation Center is seeking donations for its annual Marketplace Sale. Donations of older costume jewelry, gold/silver jewelry, necklaces, bracelets, earrings, old watches, etc. are all appreciated. At this time we are also looking for...
Letter to the Families June 14th
5/28/2021 Dear Maristhill Residents and Families, I am pleased to inform you that we had negative test results from our Covid-19 surveillance testing for the past three weeks for our unvaccinated staff and quarantined residents. I would like to thank...