Dear Maristhill Residents and Families,
I regret to inform you that we have a contracted staff member who tested positive for Covid-19 with our most recent test of May 3, 2021. We are following the DPH guidance to test all residents and staff. In addition, we will be suspending all visits per DPH guidance until we receive the results of the Covid-19 testing being done today and tomorrow. Further, updates will be given as the Covid-19 testing continues. Compassionate (ie. End of Life) visits will continue as needed.
We should all remember that the vaccine does not ensure that a person cannot be infected with the Covid-19 virus, but it will help minimize the effects of the virus. The continued use of facemasks, hand washing with soap or the use of hand sanitizer will help the efforts to control the spread of Covid-19. If you need to obtain a vaccination, please utilize the DPH website at https://www.mass.gov/covid-19-vaccine.
We are asking families of our residents to provide us with the primary contact’s email so that we can provide updates regarding important information. Please send an email to Anthony Taddeo, our Administrative Support Coordinator at Ataddeo@covh.org. We have had many families respond to this email request, but it will be helpful to have a majority of the primary contact individuals respond for their family member. Thank you for your assistance.
Thank you all for your support. If you have any questions, please let me know.
James Tracy
James Tracy,