Dear Maristhill Residents and Families,
We wanted to provide an update of the COVID-19 positive tested residents. As of today, we have had a total of 40 residents that have tested positive for the COVID-19 virus since the pandemic began. Currently we have no residents that are in the facility that are COVID-19 positive. There have been twenty-four (24) residents that have gone thru the quarantine phase and that we have determined them to be COVID- 19 Recovered. All other residents are COVID-19 Negative. Our staff has been affected as well and to date we have 30 staff members testing positive for COVID-19. As of today we still have two staff members that had tested COVID- 19 positive and they are in the quarantine phase. Currently sixteen of the staff members that tested positive have returned to work safely after their mandated quarantine period. We continue to test staff as needed and anyone who is identified as COVID-19 positive will be not permitted to work until quarantined.
We are pleased to share with you that we have updated our Maristhill website and we hope that this updated version will be helpful for the families to keep in contact with the activities and news from Maristhill. We can be followed on Facebook and Twitter as well. We will be posting letters communicating the ongoing events and news regarding the facility during this COVID 19 pandemic. Visit us at www.Maristhill.org.
On June 1, 2020 the Department of Public Health issued a Memorandum to Long Term Care Facilities to allow visitation to the facility with specific guidance to be followed for safety for the resident, family members and staff. We have reviewed this guidance and we will be implementing the following visitation procedure to the facility:
- Starting on June 8th we will schedule 15 minute visits from 1:30 PM to 2:45 PM, Monday to Friday;
- Visits can be arranged in advance by calling the Activity Department for a schedule slot;
- Family visits are limited to two family members at a time during the time slot;
- Family members will be required to be screened prior to the visit in the front lobby only;
- Each visitor must have their temperature taken and a screening form signed prior to the visit with no exceptions;
- Visitors will then proceed to the back parking lot and walk to the patio area where two visitation areas have been setup under the canopy;
- Face masks/coverings are required for family visitors, residents and staff members during the visit with no exceptions;
- Family visitors please arrive at least 10 minutes prior to your scheduled time slot for the screening the process to be completed timely;
- Please adhere to the designated time frame as we will need to disinfect the visitation area, transport your family member to their unit and transport the next resident to the visitation area for their visit;
- During the visit social distancing will be practiced at all times. No physical contact can occur and no food or drink can be shared at this time;
- And we hope that during this phase we will keep everyone safe by taking these steps.
Please note that these guidelines may change as we move thru the re-opening phases. Our hope with this procedure is that we can safely allow as many visitors as possible during this phase.
We ask that our residents and staff do all that they can to support our community by following the recommendations set forth by the CDC:
- Social Distancing/staying home if possible
- Washing Hands for 20 seconds with soap and water
- Self-isolating if showing any signs or symptoms of COVID-19
- Seek medical assistance as necessary
Thank you all for your support. We will provide updates regularly and we will continue to call daily any families that have COVID + loved ones. If you have any questions, please let me know.
James Tracy
James Tracy,