Dear Maristhill Residents and Families,
The facility has come through one of our most difficult times with the Covid-19 virus and I am pleased to inform you that almost every resident in the facility has received the second dose of the vaccine from Walgreens. Since January 2nd we have had twelve additional rounds of Covid-19 testing for all our Negative residents and staff. The results during these twelve rounds of testing resulted in only one resident and one staff person testing positive for Covid-19. We have been Covid-19 free since our test date of January 7, 2021.
On February 19th we had our third vaccine clinic where we administered the second dose of the vaccine to those that had received their first dose on January 29th. In, addition we were able to offer a first dose of the vaccine to anyone who did not receive it during the previous two clinics. The percentage of residents receiving the vaccine was at 98% and the percentage of staff/volunteers was at 84%. Our facility had a higher rate of vaccination than was seen in other skilled nursing facilities for staff/volunteers. We should all remember that the vaccine does not ensure that a person cannot be infected with the Covid-19 virus, but it will help minimize the effects of the virus. The continued use of facemasks, hand washing with soap or the use of hand sanitizer will help the efforts to control the spread of Covid-19. Please find enclosed a letter from the Massachusetts Department of Public Health discussing the Post Vaccination Prevention Protocols.
As we stated previously the facility has been notified by the Department of Public Health that we may begin providing on a limited basis in-person visits that will be spread out during the week including weekends. The in-person visits at this point in time of the pandemic are a concern to us given the continued presence of Codvid-19 in the community. The Department of Public Health guidance strongly advises the use of electronic virtual communications. We ask that you continue to use virtual communication as we identify those residents that are in greatest need of the in-person visits. We will continue to utilize the visitation request process as we did previously. Please be aware that the in-person visitation program will evolve as we see a decline with the Covid-19 positivity rates in our area.
We are asking families of our residents to provide us with the primary contact email so that we can provide information regarding important information. Please send an email to Anthony Taddeo, our Administrative Support Coordiantor. His email is Ataddeo@covh.org. We have had many families respond to this request, but it will be helpful to have a majority of the primary contact individuals respond for their family member. Thank you for your assistance.
Thank you all for your support. If you have any questions, please let me know.
James Tracy
James Tracy,