Dear Maristhill Residents and Families,
We would like to update you on the status of Covid-19 at Maristhill. The facility performed it’s regular testing of staff and residents this week using both a PCR test and the BinaxRapid tests. We had three staff members test positive during the past two weeks. All were asymptomatic for Covid-19, and they were all vaccinated. They have been quarantined and have tested negative, so they have returned to work. However, this week we had 4 staff members test positive for Covid-19. They have mild symptoms and are being quarantined at this time. They will receive a test before they return to work.
The testing of the residents with our PCR testing at the beginning of the week showed no positive Covid-19 results for the residents. However, yesterday we performed BinaxRapid test for the residents and six residents had positive results. We proceeded to test those residents with a PCR test to confirm the results of the BinaxRapid test. Those results should be available to us on or before Monday. All residents are being monitored for symptoms of Covid-19 and are being quarantined. We will test all staff and residents again on Monday with a PCR test.
The DPH epidemiologist has advised the facility to limit visits to the facility for compassionate visits only for this weekend. We will be testing again on Monday, and we will update you as results become available. We are asking everyone if they have been ill of have been in contact with anyone who is ill to postpone their visit for the weekend. If you need to visit, please be aware that social distancing and full PPE will be needed to visit.
Thank you all for your support. If you have any questions, please let me know.
James Tracy
James Tracy,