Events & News

Letter to the Families June 14th

5/28/2021 Dear Maristhill Residents and Families,   I am pleased to inform you that we had negative test results from our Covid-19 surveillance testing for the past three weeks for our unvaccinated staff and quarantined residents.  I would like to thank...

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Letter to the Families June 7th

5/28/2021 Dear Maristhill Residents and Families,   I am pleased to inform you that we had negative test results from our Covid-19 surveillance testing for the past three weeks for our unvaccinated staff and quarantined residents.  I would like to thank...

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Updated Visitation Policy

VISITATION GUIDELINES EFFECTIVE 5/4/2021   In-Room Visitation is Sunday-Saturday 11 AM to 5 PM. Fully vaccinated residents and visitors may have in-room visits with masks at all times. Length of visits should be 45 minutes to 1 hour. Contact the front desk to...

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Letter to the Families May 7th

5/5/2021 Dear Maristhill Residents and Families, I regret to inform you that we have a contracted staff member who tested positive for Covid-19 with our most recent test of May 3, 2021.  We are following the DPH guidance to test all residents and staff.  In addition,...

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Letter to the Families April 28th

4/21/2021 Dear Maristhill Residents and Families,   I am pleased to inform you that we had negative test results from our Covid-19 surveillance testing for the past four weeks for our quarantined residents and our staff.  I would like to thank everyone’s efforts...

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Gratitude Report, Spring 2021

Amid the challenging circumstances of the past year, we experienced how a “village” of caring donors, including you, came together for a shared purpose: to protect and care for our residents and staff.  Your gifts kept our residents connected with their families and...

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